Monday 11 November 2013

Triprangode Temple - Malappuram

One legend relates the story of how Shiva protected Markandeya from the clutches of death. (Yama)

Mrikandu rishi and his wife Marudmati worshipped Shiva and sought from him the boon of begetting a son. As a result he was given the choice of either a gifted son, but with a short life on earth or a child of low intelligence but with a long life. Mrikandu rishi chose the former, and was blessed with Markandeya, an exemplary son, destined to die at the age of 16.

Markandeya grew up to be a great devotee of Shiva and on the day of his destined death he continued his worship of Shiva in his form of Shivalingam. The messengers of Yama, the god of death were unable to take away his life because of his great devotion and continual worship of Shiva. Yama then came himself in person to take Markandeya's life away. Markandeya ran away from him and reached near the sivalinga and started praying by chanting panchakshari mantra. By hearing this the yama raja threw the noose to catch him. By accident of fate the noose mistakenly landed around the Shivalingam, and out of it, Shiva emerged in all his fury attacking Yama for his act of aggression. After defeating Yama in battle to the point of death, Shiva then revived him, under the condition that the devout youth would live forever. For this act, Shiva was thereafter known also as Kaalakalaya, meaning 'one who brought death, to death himself'.Thus Maha Mrityunjaya Stotra is also attributed to Markandeya .

It is said that this happened in the premises of tranvancore state called triprangode. Its one of the famous siva temple now in kerala The divine existence of lord siva reduce the ashes and transcends the kaleidoscope of goods and evils. The idol here is very powerful that he is always there for help for the needed during their sufferings and evil time.

This temple has a remarkable page in the history by its communal ,mythical and achievements of the people. The holy scriptures of this temple is being known to all and thus it still exists in the minds of the all who worship the lord Siva.

Long back in the history it can be seen that the lord Siva was worshipped as a divinity.

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